Debt Recycling Calculator

See the power of debt recycling in action with our calculator. Find out how much you can save below.

The Debt Recycling Calculator shows you the potential financial advantage of debt recycling, a strategy that involves converting your non-deductible debt to deductible debt by investing in income-producing assets. By inputting your financial details you can see how much tax you can save, and how much your investments can grow over time by applying a debt recycling strategy versus a standard repayment strategy.

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This website does not store any personal information. The information you provide in the calculator is not stored or shared with any third parties. The information is used to calculate the results and is not stored or saved.


The Debt Recycling Calculator is for illustrative purposes only and is not financial advice. The results are based on the information you provide and the assumptions you make. The calculator does not take into account your personal circumstances, financial situation or needs. You should seek professional advice before making any financial decisions.